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Energy Efficiency
Energy consumption in industry varies based on sectors. Energy efficiency in industrial facilities is defined as the reduction of energy consumptio...
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Prepared by: Aygün Pakyürek Presenter: Aygün Pakyürek Countries and other stakeholders have adopted regional, national and international convention...
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Energy Efficiency
The use of solar energy in heating, ventilation and cooling systems for domestic purposes creates environmentally friendly alternative solutions.
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Energy Efficiency
Energy efficiency for buildings is achieved by systematically reducing heating and cooling demand. With the appropriate architectural design of the...
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Renewable Energy
Sustainable energy action and climate adaptation plans enable local governments to create effective strategic plans and roadmaps to establish citie...
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Renewable Energy
With the use and spread of new digital technologies such as smart grids, internet of things, big data, cloud-based systems and artificial intellige...
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Renewable Energy
Ocean energy, also called hydrokinetic energy, is the energy produced by utilizing waves, tidal events, or sea winds in the sea. The energy that ca...
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Renewable Energy
Before the investment, the technical, economic, environmental, and social aspects of the wind power plant that will be established to meet the elec...
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Renewable Energy
The installation, operation, monitoring quality and reliability of the photovoltaic solar energy system in accordance with national and internation...
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In solar photovoltaic power systems to be established to meet the electricity demand, a feasibility study should be conducted to evaluate the techn...
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Renewable Energy
Green jobs are defined by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) and the International Labor Organization (ILO) as jobs that contribute to t...
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Renewable Energy
Electric vehicles are nature-friendly cars that work with power transferred to the electric motor through lithium-ion and similar energy storage. I...
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